How do Wake-On-Lan works?

A look on how Wake-On-Lan work and how to create your own Golang packet

There are multiple scenarios where you want to turn on a computer from a remote location. For example, a system administrator needs to upgrade and backup every client computer on a network after work hours and power-saving mode is turned on to save power or you have a power-hungry rendering server that is not in use 24/7. This post will focus on the technical implementation of how Wake-on-LAN works while a later post will feature how to activate it in BIOS and the operating system. [Read More]

The Open Web Application Security Project

The most common security problems on the web

When developing a website, the web security part of the site is often forgotten or not the most crucial consideration. But in today’s society where everyone is on the internet surfing and sharing their personal information everywhere. Web security should be considered the number one priority. To make a more secure web a list of the most common web vulnerbiliteis exsists. The Open Web Application Security Project helps you discover vulnerabilities and preventing them. [Read More]

Setup Wireguard with IPv4 and IPv6

Wireguard a fast, modern and secure vpn solution

In this blog post, I am going to write about how to installed and set up your own wireguard VPN at home. The reasons to set up a VPN server at home can be to have your own VPN when you are out on insecure networks, or you want to connect to your local servers without port forwarding them. Wireguard is the big new hype when it comes to VPNs; various VPN providers have begun to provide Wireguard in combination with OpenVPN. [Read More]
vpn  network